What's in My Knitting Bag

5 Must-Have Knitting Tools You Can't Live Without

I knit almost everywhere, in the car (not driving of course), at the dentist, garage, etc. Some things I carry in my knitting bag, you might not expect to be there. These are my "on the go" knitting must-haves items.

1. Index Cards - If I have a pattern that has a couple of  rows repeat I grab that number of index cards, write a row on each card, punch a hole in the top, insert a d-ring and then flip each card over when I finish a row. You can also write stitch abbreviations or special notes to yourself on the back of each card. Even if I put the project away for a while I know where I’m at.

2. Wax Paper - I always keep a piece of wax paper in my “on the go bag." We’ve all had beautiful yarn that sticks to needles like super glue and the wax paper will make those needles glide. Just rub the wax paper over the needles a few times and you’re good to go.

3. Safety Pins - Even seasoned knitters drop a stitch now and then. When you spy that dropped stitch, grab your safety pin and secure the stitch to your work until you have the time to repair.

4. Rubber Bands - Very useful when you forget your point protectors. I have a habit of always losing mine, so rubber bands work for me. I’ll slip one on my wrist before I head out and then loop them over the points if my work is interrupted. If your project is on double points, grab 2.

5. Tiny Plastic Clothespins - My favorite stitch markers for working with double points aren't stitch markers at all! They are tiny plastic clothespins that are sold in party favor stores, in the baby shower section. I like these because unlike locking stitch markers or split rings that I have to move every several rows you can just pinch and move them.

What's in your knitting bag? Do you have any must-have knitting tools?

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5 Must Have Tools Every Knitter Needs

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